
Just Ozzy

And then, there were the American chicks, who were nothing like English chicks. I mean, when you pulled a chick in England, you gave her the eye, one thing led to another, you took her out, you bought her this and that, and then about a month later you asked if she fancied a good old game of hide the sausage. In America, the chicks just came right up to you and said "Hey, let's fuck".

Sursa: I Am Ozzy , by Ozzy Osbourne, 2009

Vreau si eu in America. Pare mult mai distractiv decit aici, in batrina Europa... unde de cele mai multe ori, dintr-un fals pudism si din respectarea unor conveniente sociale in care nu mai crede nimeni si pe care toata lumea le uraste cind se loveste de ele, asa ceva "nu se face". Rezultatul final este de cele mai multe ori acelasi :)

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